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Han Jisung: The Storyteller

Updated: Mar 5, 2022

Han Jisung is a true ace of K-Pop.

While known for his insane rapping skills, he has also shocked fans and professionals alike with his high notes and soothing vocals. Equally worthy of praise are his swaggering dance skills, just one aspect of his adaptable stage presence. And while this charisma onstage makes him a remarkable idol, perhaps Han’s best asset is his ability beyond that: as a storyteller and an artist. Han Jisung paints with his lyrics and engraves stories into a listener's memory.

Han began his journey in making music as a teen, watching audition programs with his father. Thirteen-year-old Han Jisung remarked that it was cool to see participants singing self-composed songs. His father, who used to be in a rock band, asked him to write a song. So Han did just that.

“I started with a curiosity. What is this thing called music that can move other’s feelings with lyrics and melody?” -Han Jisung

With a pen in one hand and limitless possibilities at his fingertips, Han began to write. Early on, he already discovered his inspiration: fiction. When he's tired of daily life or just craving a change in scenery, Han delves into fantasy worlds, seeking shelter in their imagined realities, and in turn, finding a muse. “Instead of being inspired by the experience, I used to be inspired by movies and comics,” he writes in his appearance on KBS Kpop's video series Play It (PLIT). When Han throws himself into worlds beyond laptop screens and glossy pages, he emerges with songs.

Such is the story with "Close", Han’s song featured on SKZ-Player. His comment beneath the video reads:

Close is a song that I wrote after being inspired by the first scene of the film ‘Closer’. The lyrics express how it feels to meet a stranger by chance somewhere and feel excited and drawn to them, so you want to get closer to them.”

Listen to Close here:

"Close" starts off with a soft melody and lyrical intro that seemed to ease listeners into the imagery he has made, which is a common feat of his songs. Then the magic begins. Han has mastered the art of making songs that listeners don’t only hear. I experienced it. When I first listened to "Close," I wasn’t able to read Han’s message but something clicked in my head. It was like I was remembering or experiencing a memory. In "Close," I felt the nervousness and softness of his voice as he opens with “There, far away, I can see you walking.” I could see the imagery of the person in a crowd walking towards me from afar as he raps “You, who shines in the midst of countless people. You became clearer bit by bit.” This is a beautiful dive into the scene where Alice, from the movie Closer, whose red hair and playful expression stood out, caught the attention of Dan, one of the leads, as they were walking towards each other’s direction.

Han uses his safe place to escape reality. He lives in it for a while then he takes something back to the real world to share. It’s as if he’s trying to make reality better by giving it a piece of his comfort.

In "Close," Han invites the listener to walk alongside him as he spots a figure in the crowd. He allows them to feel alongside him. But his ability to make us feel like part of the world he composes is not only seen in "Close". He does it with every song he makes. That's what makes him a storyteller. And like most storytellers, he writes with a purpose.

As Han continued telling about himself on Play It (PLIT), he remarks that he transitioned to mostly being inspired with his daily life. There are three common themes observed throughout his works: vulnerability, sentimentality, and growth. Vulnerability is felt when he admits his mistakes, his loneliness, feeling of being lost, and being left behind. In "Secret Secret," Han taps into his loneliness. The lyrics goes:

"I can't say anything

Words just linger in my mouth

Sometimes I get scared

Will someone notice?

I shout louder in the sound of rain

I'm afraid all my words will be buried"

Listen to Secret Secret here:

Something about the song made me sink in my seat and wallow in the sadness and fear that I rarely let myself feel or express. It made me feel the ache that I never want anyone to know. Even JinbyJin (Jin Suk Choi), the multi-platinum selling producer that Han worked with for "Secret Secret," was impressed by Jisung. "What he wrote that day was so heartfelt and genuine—which was incredible!" Jin Suk Choi spilled on an interview with Kpopmap. "As an artist. As creative minds, we have this rollercoaster of emotions and we have to accept that we are vulnerable. We are sometimes weak but we are still strong enough to take a leap, to come back and that's how I think Han did." We can only be in awe of his ability to dig deep but still be able to resurface from whatever darkness he explored in his process of songwriting. More songs that feature this innate feeling of vulnerability are "Alien," "Another Day" and "Slump."

"Alien" is another one of Han's songs from SKZ-Record. Like in "Secret Secret," Han expresses his loneliness in "Alien," but he does it in a way that's somehow comforting. The simple instrumentals. The raw acknowledgement of being an outcast trying to blend in. It resonated deeply. Han has a particular rapping style that gives off a feeling of desperate admittance. He enunciates his rap loudly as if he needs it to be heard, to get it off his chest. And he does. In "Alien," he cries out, "Falling down, I'm an alien on this Earth. I don't seem to belong anywhere by myself." In "Wish You Back," he shouts "I wish you back!" As a listener, these got my full attention. Han builds a connection not only through his songs' relatability but also through the way he raps and sings them. As if he's communicating directly to the listener.

Listen to Alien here:

Songs like "Wish You Back," "Slump," and "Happy" also give the feeling of the ache of looking back. Han often uses photos in his songs as a reference to the past. The songs expresses being forgotten like an old photo (Slump) and also remembering through a photo. (Wish You Back, Happy). Through these, Han is able to capture the very essence of sentimentality that humans suffer through time and time again.

Han's songs bare a part of his soul and it made me see one thing. He is simply human. His songs show that it's okay to be sad and afraid. But after feeling that darkness, there is only one thing we can do. Move forward and grow. Even though Han thoroughly tackles sadder topics, he still manages to lift up the listeners by celebrating his growth and pride in himself. In "Alien", Han passionately raps: "And even though I'm not perfect, I'm proud of myself." In "Secret Secret", a song about enduring one's struggles alone, Han reminds us that one day, it will be better. "Just like how Earth hardens after rain and flower's bloom again."

And that is how Han Jisung tells us a story and takes us through a journey. It's his story but it can be ours too. It is a song and it is also an experience. Sentimentality, vulnerability, and growth funneled into words and music. Thus is the power of the greatest storyteller, Han Jisung.

Edited by: Malo

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